
Excel 2011 for mac download
Excel 2011 for mac download

excel 2011 for mac download
  1. Excel 2011 for mac download license#
  2. Excel 2011 for mac download windows#

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Excel 2011 for mac download windows#

Has anyone found a solution or workaround to this short of using the windows versions of office in Parallels? Just switched back to mac after a cou. Any keyboard shortcuts that are currently assigned to the selected command will appear in the Current keys box. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Why does the ESV contradict itself in John 1:18 versus John 17:3? Excel Mac shortcuts for navigating in cells, “Excel Shortcuts: The 100 Top Best Powerful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts in 1 Day!”, Top Kid Interview Questions and Answers to Ask, Best Stokes Interview Questions | Process | FAQ, Best Square Interview Questions and Answers. Alt, A, M removes duplicate values from the chosen list of cells.

  • Control charts - X-bar, R-chart, S-chart, IMR-chart, P-chart, C-chart, U-chart, CUSUM-chart.I know we try to avoid 'link-only' answers but in this case there's no way around it.
  • Quantile-quantile Q-Q plots for different distributions.
  • Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject.
  • Sampling (random, periodic, conditional).
  • Report includes: AUC (with confidence intervals), curve coordinates, performance indicators - sensitivity and specificity (with confidence intervals), accuracy, positive and negative predictive values, Youden's J (Youden's index), Precision-Recall plot.
  • Receiver operating characteristic curves analysis (ROC analysis).ĪUC methods - DeLong's, Hanley and McNeil's.
  • LD values (LD50/ED50 and others), cumulative coefficient calculation.
  • Kaplan-Meier (log rank test, hazard ratios).
  • Unit root tests - Dickey–Fuller, Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF test), Phillips–Perron (PP test), Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS test).
  • excel 2011 for mac download

  • Tests for heteroscedasticity: Breusch–Pagan test (BPG), Harvey test, Glejser test, Engle's ARCH test (Lagrange multiplier) and White test.
  • Stepwise (forward and backward) regression.
  • Weighted least squares (WLS) regression.
  • Multivariate linear regression (residuals analysis, collinearity diagnostics, confidence and prediction bands).
  • Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's W (coefficient of concordance).

    excel 2011 for mac download

    Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion. Rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, Fechner).2x2 tables analysis (Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.).Within subjects ANOVA and mixed models.Post-hoc comparisons - Bonferroni, Tukey-Kramer, Tukey B, Tukey HSD, Neuman-Keuls, Dunnett.One-way and two-way ANOVA (with and without replications).Multiple definitions for computing quantile statistics.Frequency tables analysis (for discrete and continuous variables).Normality tests (Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Cramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, D'Agostino's tests).Migration guide for users switching from Analysis ToolPak. Options to emulate Excel Analysis ToolPak results and.

    Excel 2011 for mac download license#

  • Permanent license and free major upgrades during the maintenance period.
  • Standalone spreadsheet with Excel (XLS and XLSX), OpenOffice/LibreOffce Calc (ODS) and text documents support.

  • Excel 2011 for mac download